Saturday, August 21, 2010
Rustle of spring
Lovely sunny morning & Abby was in the garden feeling all the joys of spring. Not long after I took these photos (& put out some washing) black clouds appeared & we had a shower but nothing too drastic. Just typical spring weather. Abby was actually licking the grass, which is better than eating it, I suppose, which just leads to her throwing up the grass later on the only square of carpet in the house.
It's Election Day in Australia & I was out early this morning voting & doing a little shopping. Abby & I will be glued to the telly tonight watching the ABC's election coverage. It looks like a tight result so it could be a late night. Chocolate & pots of tea will help us through it.
I finished reading I Capture the Castle during the week. I wasn't too old for it after all & I'll post my review tomorrow. I've started reading Decca : the Letters of Jessica Mitford which I'm enjoying very much. The only problem is that it's a heavy book & my neck & wrists can't hold it up for long periods. If I could rest it on my lap this wouldn't be a problem but Abby has other ideas about what laps are for (she's just come into the study & jumped up on my lap now to remind me). So, when Decca becomes too heavy, I swap over to Death of an Expert Witness by P D James which I'm rereading after many years in honour of P D James's 90th birthday.
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