I've spent a lot of time in the garden this weekend - digging over a garden bed full of roots, digging in compost in the front garden & planting tomatoes, pumpkin, lettuce, basil & zucchini in the veggie patch. This poem seemed appropriate although I wasn't thinking about lying beneath the ground as I worked, I was looking forward to a cup of tea & a rest.
Next week, I think I'll move on from Housman's melancholy to something more cheerful.
I hoed and trenched and weeded,
And took the flowers to fair:
I brought them home unheeded;
The hue was not the wear.
So up and down I sow them
For lads like me to find,
When I shall lie below them,
A dead man out of mind.
Some seed the birds devour,
And some the season mars,
But here and there will flower
The solitary stars,
And fields will yearly bear them
As light-leaved spring comes on,
And luckless lads will wear them
When I am dead and gone.
Houseman is evocative and irresistible but always a little ;head in the gas' oven melancholy for me yet I do enjoy his poems. A Shropshire writer who is dear to my heart wrote this one http://marywebb.org/poetry/freedom/ :0)
ReplyDeleteThat's definitely more cheerful than Housman! Thank you.