Saturday, April 16, 2011

Abby's autumn afternoon

Just a few photos I took this afternoon of Abby enjoying an autumn afternoon in the sunny spots on the back porch. Autumn is our favourite season.


  1. Abby must be enjoying a reprieve from those hot temperatures. She's lovely, Lyn.

  2. Such wonderful relaxation! I must say, Lyn, your autumn sounds much nicer than our 'Spring' which so far has been a giant dud. This morning I had to wear a winter coat to walk my little Rocky.

  3. I do love seeing pictures of Abby - it's a cat's life!

  4. Darlene, we're both enjoying the cooler days but the sunshine the last couple of days has been lovely. It's just the right temperature for sun worshipping. Thank you Cristina, I didn't even realise the alliteration until I'd written it! Yvette, Abby spends most of her life in that happy, half-asleep mode. This morning was foggy & a bit chill, so she spent a few hours on the couch with the heater on. Now the sun's out & she's outside moving from one sunny spot to the next. Jo, yes, it's a cat's life indeed. We should be so lucky!
