Friday, November 26, 2010

Abby's Friday afternoon

Here are a few photos of Abby relaxing on the back porch on this hot, humid afternoon. I was ironing in the kitchen (I'm not sure why this couldn't have waited until it was cooler...) and we're listening to a CD of choruses by Baroque composers. We've just had some Bach from the St Matthew Passion & now it's Handel's Messiah (All we like sheep have gone astra-a-a-a-a-ay). Have a lovely Friday wherever you are.


  1. Abby is absolutely gorgeous. I want to bend down and stroke her!
    I was confused at first at your mention of the afternoon being hot and humid (we're under several inches of snow with more forecast!), but then I remembered you're in Australia! Doh!
    Give that lovely girl a snuggle for me, will you?
